Setting Up Facebook Business Manager as an Agency

As an agency, it is important to have a centralized platform to manage your clients’ Facebook accounts efficiently. Facebook Business Manager is a powerful tool that allows you to manage multiple ad accounts, Pages, and people all in one place. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of setting up Facebook Business Manager as an agency.

Step 1: Create a Business Manager Account

The first step is to create a Business Manager account. Go to and click on “Create Account.” Fill in the required information, such as your business name, your name, and your business email address. Once you’ve completed the form, click “Submit” to create your Business Manager account.

Step 2: Add Your Agency’s Facebook Page

After creating your Business Manager account, you need to add your agency’s Facebook Page. To do this, click on the “Business Settings” tab and then select “Pages” from the left-hand menu. Click on the “+ Add” button and choose “Add a Page.” You can either request access to your client’s Facebook Page or create a new one. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.

Step 3: Add Your Clients’ Ad Accounts

Once you have added your agency’s Facebook Page, the next step is to add your clients’ ad accounts. Click on the “Business Settings” tab again and select “Ad Accounts” from the left-hand menu. Click on the “+ Add” button and choose “Add an Ad Account.” You can either request access to your client’s ad account or create a new one. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.

Step 4: Assign People to Your Business Manager Account

To ensure that your team members can access and manage the necessary assets, you need to assign them to your Business Manager account. Click on the “Business Settings” tab and select “People” from the left-hand menu. Click on the “+ Add” button and choose whether you want to add people to your Business Manager account or assign them to specific assets, such as Pages or ad accounts. Enter the email addresses of the people you want to add or assign and choose their roles. Click “Next” and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.

Step 5: Set Up Permissions and Access Levels

It is crucial to set up the appropriate permissions and access levels for your team members and clients. Click on the “Business Settings” tab and select “People” from the left-hand menu. Click on the person’s name whose permissions you want to edit. You can then assign specific roles, such as admin, editor, or analyst, depending on their responsibilities. Additionally, you can customize access levels for Pages and ad accounts to ensure that team members have the right level of access to perform their tasks.

Step 6: Connect Your Ad Accounts to Facebook Business Manager

In order to run ads for your clients, you need to connect their ad accounts to your Business Manager account. Click on the “Business Settings” tab and select “Ad Accounts” from the left-hand menu. Click on the ad account you want to connect and choose “Assign Partners.” Enter your agency’s Business Manager ID and click “Connect.” Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.

Step 7: Utilize Facebook Business Manager Features

Now that you have set up Facebook Business Manager as an agency, it’s time to explore its features and make the most out of the platform. Some key features include:

  • Ad Account Overview: Get a comprehensive view of all your clients’ ad accounts in one place.
  • Analytics: Analyze performance metrics and generate reports to measure the success of your campaigns.
  • Collaboration: Work seamlessly with your team members and clients by assigning tasks and sharing assets.
  • Business Asset Groups: Organize your clients’ assets into groups for easier management.
  • Business Manager API: Integrate with third-party tools and automate your workflows.

By utilizing these features, you can streamline your agency’s Facebook advertising operations and provide better results for your clients.

In conclusion, setting up Facebook Business Manager as an agency is a crucial step towards efficient management of your clients’ Facebook accounts. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can create a centralized platform that allows you to manage multiple ad accounts, Pages, and people with ease. Take advantage of the various features offered by Facebook Business Manager to optimize your agency’s advertising efforts and deliver exceptional results for your clients.

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